Holistic Health focuses on the interconnectedness between the Mind, Body and Spirit.

Become Whole - Connecting the Mind, Body and Spirit

The Why?

Based on the Principle of HOLISM is the belief that a single part of an individual cannot be treated in isolation. One body system affects the other and each body system is best understood in relation to the WHOLE person.

“The Body Keeps the Score”.

Our state of mind can impact the health of our body. Many physical illnesses today have a psychosomatic origin caused or aggravated by psychological factors such as conflict, stress, pressures, grief, etc

The Mind is the most important part of us and is responsible for our Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions. Negative feelings result in emotional tensions which take its toll on our health and wellbeing.

The How?

By focusing on the WHOLE person, not just the symptoms to address the root or underlying cause of any ailments or blockages to a person’s Health and Wellbeing.

“Prevention is always better than cure”.

It is about adopting an understanding that how a person is feeling on the inside is just as important as the more visible or noticeable physical symptoms.

By incorporating Holistic Practices, Complementary Medicine offers more natural strategies and approaches which focus on healing the Mind and Balancing the Body and Spirit.

Holistic Wellbeing is a multi-dimensional approach to wellness which encourages individuals to recognize the whole person: mental, physical emotional, social, and spiritual components.




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